Rhino scripting learning process

#rhino #python #scripting #computational #geometry

LAUD 8 landscape blog

today morning while surfing through pinterest i came across very nice Landscape blog


not updated after nov 2013 till today but good amount of projects to see.


3d visualisation for the Chinmaya mission

Rendering for the JMA architects for their project of Paramdham Campus of Chinmaya Mission. Lots of Post production were done for the image.

Visualization portfolio

I am interested in different kind of presentation techniques since I started studying architecture. During academy, sketching, painting, hand drafting was taught. Other mediums were introduced by senior students and classmates. AutoCad was introduced at school and then I started exploring different digital mediums of creating images. AutoCad, 3ds Max, Photoshop, Sketchup, etc. and then I explore more of them; Vray, Piranesi, Vue etc. Here is the portfolio of the academic and professional work.

Academic portfolio

I have studied architecture from School of Architecture, CEPT university, ahmedabad. Here is the portfolio of my academic work.

experimenting light and materials


Contact sheet of images while experiments with lights and materials. Scene is made of very simle objects, like sphere and box. experiments1

collage of my work

This is the collage of my work. It includes academic as well as proffessional works. Some of it is design work and some of it is visualization work. Full projects will be posted soon.collage

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